IT.A.CA' Festival of responsible tourism: MANTOVA, SABBIONETA AND THE LANDS OF GONZAGA

Mantova, Sabbioneta e le Terre dei Gonzaga

14 September 2023
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IT.A.CA' Festival of responsible tourism: MANTOVA, SABBIONETA AND THE LANDS OF GONZAGA


In the center of the Po Valley, Mantua, Sabbioneta and the other Gonzaga capitals draw a scenario that is both urban, rural, water.

Superimposing traces of memory and Renaissance echoes, each urban historic center presents itself as a system of relationships between material heritage and intangible practices, private palaces and public spaces, past and present, monuments and individuals. It is this reality made of interactions that we want to tell, through the voices of the local community, that embodies the spirit of the place, evolves over time, mixes memories and emotions, and in this way takes charge of its heritage and tells it.

In our explorations we will search for the most hidden details and the most iconic scenarios.  We will investigate the views of the city to find sound tracks, olfactory traces, clues of life hidden in stone crevices and in this journey we will be accompanied by witnesses of the community, who through the story of their memories will help us build our own.