

Spalto Bresciani - 22, 23 e 24 giugno 2023

17 May 2023


Sabbioneta is, together with the City of Mantua, an exceptional and unrepeatable testimony in reference to the importance of the Renaissance historical period that, through the Gonzaga family has established itself as a model to be imitated worldwide. A small community like Sabbioneta, with its history and its community, can develop a new cultural policy of openness to exercise a new cultural "urbanism" of reception inside and outside the walls. 
From here comes the proposal FESTIWALL: a multi-year festival of performing arts able to dialogue with neighboring communities in full respect of the city.

The ideal location for the Festival was located in the area called "Spalto Bresciani". Following an accurate logistic analysis, evaluated the complexities with respect to the capacity of the area, the Spalto Bresciani area is configured as an adequate space to the proposal

Ticket office:
Tickets available on Ticketone.it, at the Box Office of the Teatro Sociale di Mantova (opening hours: Tuesday 10:00-13:00, Thursday 16:00-19:00, Saturday 10:00-13:00) and at the infopoint of Sabbioneta (hours: Monday 10:00-13:00, Tuesday to Friday 10:00-1300 and 14:30-17:30, Saturday and Sunday 10:00-13:00 and 14:30-18:30) .

Ticket office of the Teatro Sociale:
Telephone (during opening hours): 0376 1590869 - Mail: ticket office

For the program visit: https:///www.mantovateatro.it/festiwall-2023/